Millions of people and businesses are overpaying for basic services we all use.

In fact, research has shown that the average cable bill has increased by 40% since 2010 and outpaced inflation for every single one of the past 20 years!

Bill Reduction

Why are people and businesses overpaying?

Most customers don’t know they are being overcharged. Chances are your monthly costs for services have increased consistently over time without you noticing, or that they include hidden fees, old charges that should have disappeared or some other “gotcha” that you may not even know about.

Why does this work?

You know the saying: “Ask and you shall receive.” Service providers have been banking on the fact that their customers won’t ask. Our expert negotiators know who to talk to and what to say to negotiate savings on your customers essential monthly services

How it works

Customers upload their monthly bills to the portal.  The platform’s negotiators will reach out to the providers and negotiate savings on behalf of the customer.  Risk Free, the customer pays nothing if the platform can’t save them money.

For this service the platform will split the savings with the customer 50/50.  (i.e. $300 in savings will cost the customer $150)